Eating to Live

Diet is one of the most important elements to healthy living. As the old adage goes, you are what you eat, and it is imperative to keep in mind that what you put into your body will directly effect the way you feel not only at work, but in all of your activities. 

The food pyramid is a good place to start, but it can be difficult in the hustle and bustle of work life to break down what all is inside everything you are eating, especially when fast food is so accessible to us while we are at work. A good way to avoid this problem is to start bringing your meals to work. It will involve a bit more time and planning, but if you follow through, you will be able to not only have more control over what you are eating, but most likely also save an incredible amount of money.

Having healthy snacks handy at work is helpful if you find yourself hungry out of boredom, or if you need a quick energy pick-me-up in the afternoon. Rather than guzzling an energy drink, why not prepare a mix of almonds and dried cranberries to munch on during your 2:00 slump?